Microsoft Windows 10 will be free

It became known as IT-giant Microsoft has launched a new version of the proprietary operating system «Windows 10". The tenth edition of "windows" will be available to all users the latest version of the system as an upgrade, and it is absolutely free - said the representative of the corporation Terry Myerson.

The decision on the free distribution of the new Windows has caused a debate in the IT society, because up to this point is the sale of the operating system accounted for the bulk of income Microsoft.

Start of sales of Windows 10 was appointed in the fall. According to Terry Myerson all users of the latest versions of Windows (7, 8.1, and even Phone 8.1) will receive a free and be able to install Windows10 over the next year. A new approach to the issue of Microsoft OS is very similar to the style of Apple - frequent updates free of charge.